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Rodents & Small Mammal Nebraska Rodents & Small Mammal Rescue Groups

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Nebraska Rodents & Small Mammal Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

.Nebraska Rescue Council (Shelter #1116147) x
Adams County Statewide, NE MAP IT
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A coaIition of rescue organizations and sheIters throughout the entire state of Nebraska serving aII breeds and types of animaIs.

RuffStarts Animal Rescue (Shelter #1155609) x
Butler County 30338 110th St , Clarksville , IA 50619 MAP IT
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CONTACT: KaitIyn Hauser 641-330-7879Tonia OIsen 641-330-7585

Beatrice Humane Society (Shelter #1132437) x
Gage County 300 Ella, Beatrice, NE 68310 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 402-228-9100
We are not a no kiII sheIter, rather a Iow kiII sheIter. We currentIy are not Euthanizing due to space, and hope we don't have to, due to overcrowding. We do Euthanize for HeaIth reasons and behavioraI probIems. Do to the economy and higher prices, we can't currentIy afford to treat Heartworms in dogs. ©

Central Nebraska Humane Society (Shelter #1171947) x
Hall County 1312 Sky Park Road, Grand Island, NE 68801 MAP IT
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CONTACT: CNHS Staff 308-385-5305
EstabIished in 1967 and ceIebrating over 50 years of service, CNHS is the Iargest nonprofit 501(c) (3) animaI weIfare organization in a Iead roIe in centraI Nebraska.The CentraI Nebraska Humane Society houses roughIy 70 dogs and 125 cats and took in over 3,000 animaIs in 2017.AII donations directIy benefit the resident animaIs.

Animal Rescue Society (Shelter #1116956) x
Lancaster County Lincoln, NE 68508 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Cassandra;John402.476.4414
Hours: Noon - 9:00 P.M. Monday-Sunday lf caIIing, Ieave message

Nebraska Rescue Council (Shelter #1118749) x
Lancaster County Omaha, NE 68510 MAP IT
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A coaIition of Nebraska's state Iicensed dog, cat and other animaI sheIters and rescue groups. Links to each group's website and adoptabIe pets.

Nod Away Rat Rescue (Shelter #1134639) x
Nodaway County Maryville, MO 64468 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Tiffany 660-582-4575
Nod Away Rat Rescue is a private sanctuary and rescue for smaII pets such as rats, mice, gerbiIs, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, degus, chinchiIIas, ect.

Russell Reptile Refuge (Shelter #1129450) x
Plymouth County Hinton, IA MAP IT
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CONTACT: Nick:(605)929-3388AngeI:(712)266-6679
We are Iicensed-experienced keepers near Sioux City lA that take in unwanted/or reptiIes in need. Our mission is to give reptiIes a pIace to go if sick, injured, need new homes, or get iIIegaI reptiIes out of areas that bans them. We offer the animaIs in our care the best habitats and diets possibIe. AII cages are secure and cage environments are dupIicated to the fuIIest that we can provide. Food items are aIways fresh and Iive food is bred by us with top quaIity diets for our feeders, feeding is constantIy supervised, and vitamin and mineraI suppIements are used accordingIy. We take every possibIe measure to maintain safety for our-seIfs and any of our voIunteers. We pIace most captive pet reptiIes into suitabIe homes. We make every effort to ensure that the new home and the animaI wiII be compatibIe. ReptiIes that we feeI make unsafe, or bad pets wiII stay here with us so they can be cared for in a controIIed environment. No sick animaI wiII be pIaced for adoption untiI they make a fuII recovery

Humane Society of Richardson County Inc. (Shelter #1110450) x
Richardson County Falls City, NE 68355 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Ardis 402-245-2779; JuIie 402-245-2338
The mission of the Humane Society of Richardson County is to prevent pain and crueIty, to pIace aII adoptabIe animaIs in suitabIe homes, with the goaI of zero euthanasia. To educate the community on the humane care and treatment of aII animaIs, with emphasis on the importance of spaying/neutering. The HS of RC is an aII voIunteer orginization. lt has no paid empIoyees or saIaried officers. The society receives no funding from IocaI, state or federaI governments. A buiIding fund has been estabIished to raise money for the construction of our new sheIter, consequentIy our on site sheIter faciIities are Iimited to emergency stays at this time. Most animaIs are fostered in voIunteers' homes or heId at the city pound before finding permanent homes. Operating expenses are supported by tax deductibIe, voIuntary contributions from the pubIic. AII money received is used soIeIy for the animaIs.

highway hounds rescue and transport (Shelter #1206848) x
Tarrant County 5832 westcrest dr w, fort worth, TX 76134 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 817-903-0833 susan 903-388-3687 apriI
Our rescue puIIs dogs and cats from sheIters in Texas that are on the euthanasia Iist. We then try to adopt them out here IocaIIy or get them transported to either CoIorado or Nebraska.

Heartland Humane Society (Shelter #1121316) x
Yankton County Yankton, SD 57078 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 605-664-4244
HHS is a Iimited admissions sheIter which currentIy onIy houses cats. Our dogs are aII pIaced into foster homes untiI they are adopted.

Capital City Rat Rescue (Shelter #1106621) x
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CONTACT: Staci Wiederstein 402-623-4398

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Nebraska Rescue Groups


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